SIParCS 2022 - Alina Guha
Alina Guha, Grinnell College
Python Reimplementation of Fortran subroutines: Bilinear Interpolation
The Geoscience Community Analysis Toolkit (GeoCAT) provides scientists with tools to conduct computational analysis and create a variety of visualizations on earth science data. The computational component of GeoCAT is GeoCAT-comp, and it consists of two standalone software packages: GeoCAT-comp with pure Python implementations, and GeoCAT-f2py that houses Fortran routines wrapped in Python (using Numpy’s f2py interface) and is transparently imported by GeoCAT-comp. This summer, the GeoCAT-f2py functionality has been examined to be moved into GeoCAT-comp with pure Python implementations. The movement to Python means native support for xarray and numpy, more efficient and cleaner code, as well as simplified compatibility with Dask parallelization. The "interp_linear" function was developed and added to GeoCAT-comp’s interpolation module. It is modeled on the "linint2" function in GeoCAT-f2py. This function performs bilinear interpolation on earth science data. This is the first step in examining whether other functions in GeoCAT-f2py can be easily ported to Python.
Mentors: Orhan Eroglu, Alea Kootz
Slides and poster